Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Let's talk about sex ("confess your crimes against the party!")

I was reading over another post that I had made and noticed that I touched on polygamy and a little on the Mormon quest for sexual purity. So let's talk a little about sex and Mormonism and how far they will go in seeking "ultra purity".

Most people have the idea that what you do sexually after age 18 is your own business and that after you get married you should stay faithful to your spouse. From what I have observed, there are different degrees of concern among the religious about pre-martial sex from thinking that it's a sin that will send you to hell to thinking that Jesus will forgive you of every broken law no matter how many times you break it.

In Mormonism, any sexual behavior outside of marriage is the equivalent of robbing a convenience store and shooting the clerk in the head on the way out. The Mormon Church and it's leaders are absolutely obsessed with sexual matters! Even more extreme, Mormonism even wants to regulate the sex lives of married persons!!! Check out a few quotes for here on how the leaders of "God's One True Church" must fight a war with the devil all the time so that married couples won't engage in oral sex.

And they wonder why people think that the Mormon Church is a cult?

Mormon leaders know that if they can use guilt to manipulate you when you are young, they can use it to keep you in line when you are older. One particularly vile old man named Spencer W. Kimball was the master of guilt about sex. He was "prophet, seer, and revelator" and President of the Mormon Church from 1973 until 1985 although he became senile much earlier than 1985. When it came to "sexual purity" Kimball was a foaming at the mouth fanatic. Here is a sample of his twisted thinking:

"Since courtship is prelude to marriage and encourages close associations, many have convinced themselves that intimacies are legitimate—a part of the courting process. Many have cast off bridle and harness and have relaxed the restraints. Instead of remaining in the field of simple expressions of affection, some have turned themselves loose to fondling, often called “necking,” with its intimate contacts and its passionate kissing. Necking is the younger member of this unholy family. Its bigger sister is called “petting.” When the intimacies have reached this stage, they are surely the sins condemned by the Savior..." [Geez! How in god's name did this man ever get an erection long enough to impregnate his wife?!?]

"Masturbation, a rather common indiscretion, is not approved of the Lord nor of his church, regardless of what may have been said by others whose “norms” are lower. Latter-day Saints are urged to avoid this practice. Anyone fettered by this weakness should abandon the habit before he goes on a mission or receives the holy priesthood or goes in the temple for his blessings.

Sometimes masturbation is the introduction to the more serious sins of exhibitionism and the gross sin of homosexuality..." (New Era, Nov 1980, 39)

So all you guys out there looking at pics of naked women on the Internet......YA GONNA ALL BECOME HOMOS!!!!

Kimball even hated it when people kissed!

"Kissing has been prostituted and has degenerated to develop and express lust instead of affection, honor, and admiration. To kiss in casual dating is asking for trouble. What do kisses mean when given out like pretzels and robbed of sacredness? What is miscalled the "soul kiss" is an abomination and stirs passions to the eventual loss of virtue. Even if timely courtship justifies the kiss it should be a clean, decent, sexless one like the kiss between mother and son, or father and daughter. "(The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, p.281)

It's been my experience in life that people who go on an on like this do so because they feel a need to cover-up their own private sins which turn out to be much worse than those they accuse others of. I don't know what Kimball had going on in his private life, but his teachings sure indicate something wasn't quite right. The last line of that quotation is just plain creepy!

Yet the leaders of the LDS Church are on a zealous crusade to fight passion and lust. Just as Kimball's quotes indicate, Mormon leaders are leaving no stone unturned in their witch hunt for transgressors...unless your last name is Marriott. After all, sex may be very bad and sinful, but losing tithing revenue off of 10 billion dollars is much worse!!!

If you are unlucky enough to have "sinned" sexually, then the Mormon Church has a special treat for you. You get to go an confess your sin face to face with a bishop. In the LDS Church a bishop isn't a trained clergy person. Because of their all volunteer priesthood no one (except for the leaders in Salt Lake City) gets paid so LDS bishops all work other jobs and are part-time ministers. You could be confessing to a dentist or to a bricklayer!

If your sex sin is really bad, then you must go before a group of priesthood leaders for a disciplinary council where you face a group of men and must confess your again.
Mormons like to call these "Courts of Love". Here is one example of what can go on.

The irony in all this is Joseph "horny Joe" Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church was a total sex pervert . Yet Mormons sing praises to him. Yet the average Joe has sex before marriage and gets crucified.

Just another twist in the long, strange trip through Mormonism!