Saturday, July 26, 2008

Greetings and Salutations!

Welcome to the blog of a semi-normal 45 year old man who fell down the rabbit hole of Mormonism at age 18 and is still trying to recover from the experience. To quote the Grateful Dead, “what a long, strange trip it’s been”! My purpose in blogging is not to “expose” the Mormon Church for I feel that others have done a much better and thorough job of that than I could or care to do. My purpose is to comment on the long, strange trip through that religion and answer the question that people often ask me: how did a Methodist minister’s son and seemingly intelligent person get involved with Mormonism?

I’ve been out of Mormonism for almost six years now but the effects of what I went through still lingers in my life. Maybe this blog will provide therapy and give others an idea of what happened to me over a period of twenty years.

I’ll start by giving readers a four part introduction called Why I Joined and will follow that by some posts entitled Why I Left. I mean not great disrespect to any LDS (Mormon) readers who may come across this. It’s just the story of what happened to a typical convert.

I hope to start my posting soon. I hope you will enjoy it.