Friday, August 29, 2008

Interesting letter to the editor

This from a reader of a Idaho newspaper:

Learn all you can about LDS before conversion

I have followed the editorials and letters regarding the dedication of the LDS temple and other church members who passed out leaflets. Some of those critical of the other church members may be missing a major point. I have great admiration for my Latter-day Saint friends. It is not that their beliefs differ from traditional Christianity that bothers me; we all have differences. But it is the way that they present - or fail to present - those beliefs that is troubling.

Had I known the "deeper" teachings of Mormonism, about how God became a god and how other men may become gods, I likely would not have converted. Had I fully understood their unique view of the origin of Jesus and his role today, I likely would not have joined. If I had understood the ritual that takes place inside the temple (some of which have been removed since I was LDS), I may not have joined. I would not have devoted eight years of my life to the church, including two years overseas on a mission. And I would have not had to experience the emotional trauma of an excommunication and the pain of disappointing Mormon friends I loved.

True, it was partly my responsibility to learn more about LDS theology, but the missionaries and even church members are reluctant to discuss these sensitive but important distinctions. As an LDS missionary, I was instructed not to delve into these teachings with prospective converts. Perhaps those distributing literature were trying to make others aware of the key differences between the LDS faith and other faiths so that when people do decide to become LDS, they do so having a complete understanding of all the church holds sacred. It's good to hear all sides before making a life-changing decision.


Amen, Gene...Amen!